We need a competitor and market overview in the field of fricton stir welding for automotive components.
As ab equipment manufacturer we want to step into the growing market of friction stir welding. For the development of a product and market strategy, we want to supplement our own research with expert insights.
The selected service approach for this request was the sole use of the EXPERTISIUM-AI, accessible to subscribed clients directly on the website.
This servics is a consumption based services.
The EPERTISIUM-AI provided different types of results:
The typical response time for getting the answer for one question was less than 1 min.
Using the EXPERTISIUM-AI provides additional information on a very fast and uncomplicated way. The quality of the answer were surprisingly good. The service willl be used more often in future and is a good supplementary offering to the direct contact with experts.
EXPERTISIUM is a site of RTIC (RENNET Technology and Innovation Consultants GmbH .
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