About us
Experience and Know-How
A network of industrial experts providing their experience and know-how since more than
20 years for international companies worldwide.

The nucleus of the EXPERTISIUM network goes back over 20 years to our first management consulting project in the automotive and manufacturing industry. Within this project we developed a strong offering in the field of:

product optimization
product development processes
cost and value engineering
production optimization
manufacturing technologies
material technologies  
technology scouting

To be able to serve high quality and deep insight knowledge in this field, we faced the challenge, to create a network of subject experts with a yearlong industrial experience. During the years, we have expanded our network into an exclusive club of over 200 selected experts, the "EXPERTISIUM".

To keep the quality and consistency of this network, the requirements to be invited and accepted to the network are though and we conduct regular quality improvement loops to keep the satisfaction of our clients high.

Sharing Expertise and Transfer Know-HOW

our services

answering questions
Our main purpose is answering questions. We offer this through our experts, down to the smallest detail. And we supplement this offering with the EXPERTISIUM-AI to save time on less complex or critical questions.
finding solutions
Our flagship offering in the field of product development. We love to help our clients to develop new solutions with the help of our technology expertise, experience and know-how.
support projects
On request, our experts can support projects as extended team members as senior experts or advisors on a daily base and on-site or remote.
ad hoc trainings
Growing experience takes time, with our ad hoc trainings we provide dedicated small trainings directly from our experts to the clients teams.
On demand - and only if we have a good fit in our network -  we provide interims full time engagement in dedicated positions in our portfolio areas.  
technology scouting
Staying at cutting edge is important for our clients and for us. A strong pillar of our services is the technology scouting to explore the latest trends.
Get in touch to get answers.
If your company needs industrial Know-How and expertise for critical decisions, due diligence, market and product strategies or for daily problems, we are the right partner for you.

EXPERTISIUM  is a site of RTIC (RENNET Technology and Innovation Consultants GmbH .
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